Grace City Tampa Kids is passionate about leading your child into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe that a child at any age can begin their life-long relationship with Jesus and be baptized by the Holy Spirit. Through engaging lessons, activities, and worship, your child will have the opportunity to fall in love being in the house of God, grow in their relationship with Jesus, build life-long friendships, and have spiritual leaders to look up to.


Families are greeted at our family entrance to check in kids and drop them off in their age specific classroom


A time to build relationships with each other


Thanking Jesus through singing and dancing

Bible Story

An age-appropriate lesson based on a passage of the Bible


Adults can hear about all the fun their child had!


A craft or game to bring the lesson to life


Check-in verification and safety teams are here to keep your kids safe.

Memory Verse

Helping kids memorize the truth of God’s word!

Each child will get checked in with their family at our family entrance. From there, they will be walked to their classroom and introduced to their teachers. We offer three classrooms on a Sunday: a nursery (0-2 year olds), a preschool room (3-4 year olds), and an elementary rool (Kindergarten-5th grade). Your child will be welcomed into a safe environment with several teachers, age-specific toys, and a safety team overseeing the lobby. There is an element of free play, worship, a lesson, and activity for our preschool and elementary students. Each element of service prioritizes Biblical truth, applicable lessons, and growing in relationships.

What does a Sunday experience look like?

We get it, getting your kids checked-in to class can be a process when it’s your first time. We want to make it easy for you to visit!

Pre-Register your Child Here 

Meet Our Kids Pastor Sarah Brits

Sarah is passionate about leading kids into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus and equipping parents to disciple at home. She has her Masters in Family Ministry which taught how to effectively make disciples of this next generation. Her prayer is that through GCTKids your child will build a foundation of faith that will last a lifetime!

A glimpse into your child's experience:

Interactive content

Original weekly topic based coloring pages

Original GCT KIDS worship songs


Frenshapes Merch

Starting at $16.99 before taxes and shipping

Ordering Frenshapes Merch is through a third party printshop in-order to keep costs as low as possible. The links are simply templates to our designs but Grace City Tampa is not receiving any money from each order. We are also not responsible for lack of quality or misprint. If there is an issue with the printing please reach out to directly.